IIS Tommaso D'Oria
The High School “Tommaso D'Oria” ( is a a high technical and vocational school situated in Piedmont, in an area that is now facing vast challenges in social integration and educational guidance of asylum seekers and other immigrants, besides dealing with those Italian citizens that are more and more challenged by problems of unemployment, social needs and drop out due to the disadvantage of living in mountain and piedmont communities.
Our institute presently has 800 students and a staff of 128 workers. The courses include: commerce and advertising promotion, healthcare, technology for industrial experts in electronics and electrotechnics, economics specialized in tourism. Work placement is the main expectation of families and students, who are able to acquire further skills and competences thanks to a programme of work-linked training and languages certifications. Our school has a varied population of students, both from the social and from the cultural point of view, as well as a large number of foreign students coming from East Europe, Central Asia, South America and Africa, some refugees, and students with disabilities and special learning requirements. We have a long lasting experience in welcoming and integrating these students.
Teachers and students from all courses have developed a sense of belonging and shared mission in European spirit. We strongly believe in European Projects and thanks to a shared partecipation of all courses, both students and teachers work hard to give their unique and specific contribute to some common topics such as integration, sustainability, digital skills, language competences. The key figures involved in European Projects teach foreign languages, IT and Art. Other teachers cover various skills and subjects : citizenship and law, history, geography, graphic and technological design, geography, history.
We have experience in the management of European projects. In recent years our school has been involved in an Etwinning project, the Bridge, We won the quality label and joined two more projects, “Las mujeres de mi familia” “Jeux sans Frontiere”. Other projects have been financed through the Ministry o Education Plan (Walk of Three Valleys, Digital Citizenship Competence, etc.). We have recently been granted funding for an Erasmus +KA1 for staff mobility and a KA201 Artse, for the producion of an Augmented reality App.
Besides these, we can count on a long tradition of cooperation with local organizations, universities and local businesses dealing with Tourism, Clean Energy, Agriculture and Catering, which are involved in our projects.
We are keen to work in a local and national network, but at the same time we accept those challanges that world issues involve. We strongly believe in European policy and cooperation, in particular in those fundamental values and principle that inspire the EU: peace, democracy, human rights, dignity, equality and freedom.